![]() 09/12/2013 at 10:56 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
As I posted yesterday, I'm making an effort at winning the FP competition to design a track with the hopes of winning the grand prize, a pretty wicked sim setup. I posted my first draft yesterday, but after looking at it some more and listening to opponaut feedback, it was deemed to be a bit too hill-climbish/natural landscapey, with some of the chicanery (see what I did there?) taking away from the flow of the track.
So, I sat back down with my pencil, pen, and permanent marker (no photoshop at work, and in any case, for things like this, I'm a bit old school), and made some amendments. Most of the track is still the same, but I put a special emphasis on maintaining the flow of the track, especially on the back half. Added some Becketts/Suzuka/COTA-style esses where there once was a straightaway coming out of a series of weird little chicanes.
Feedback would be appreciated, really trying to nail this down.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:02 |
A link to my FP comment, if you wish to throw me some support with a recommendation.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:03 |
I like the basic layout, looks like a really fun circuit depending on the elevation changes. It has a nice flow to it.
Unfortunately, I think they are going to pick a winner with a crazy, filled with loops and inversions kind of race track.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:04 |
It looks like a dog with a beak.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:10 |
Lol, I couldn't resist. I honestly don't want to make a mockery of track design, but it just was too tempting!
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:11 |
What's sad is the first thing I thought to design was a Hot Wheels themed/inspired track. Corkscrews, loops, it was going to have everything! Even the car accelerators! He ha.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:17 |
Absolutely cracking up in my cube right now
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:19 |
There's something about turn 3 (maybe 2) that doesn't appeal to me; I think it feels like the first hair pin should be tighter and run into a double apex turn or at least something where you can carry more speed making it really important to get the right line/speed coming out because that next bend is going to be flat out no matter what. Make it a combo where you could gain .25-.5 a second or lose the same if you don't get it just right. Just my two cents.
I really do like it, though. It looks like it has a lot of feel to it. Maybe also add a straight line at the bottom (set elevation level at '0' from start) and then draw a line up or down along this point to show elevation change along the circuit as you see.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:20 |
Looks good, but that would be looks good from a spectator's point of view. With a racer's eye I question if there are any overtaking zones? You need high speed into a tight turn to create a good overtaking opportunity. The only long straight leads into a pretty open sweeper. The one somewhat decent area has a high speed kink left and sweeps right in to the braking zone. Straighten out your "turn 3" braking zone and straighten the entry into your slowest turn and I think you'll improve the raceability of your track.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:23 |
Haha accelerators FTW! I'm waiting for a slot car track with crossovers to show up LOL
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:25 |
Lots of elevation change, which is really something I was trying to emphasize, as noted in my original post on the FP. It's inspired by the country's second-largest city park (in Waco, TX of all places), which is heavily tree-lined and has a total elevation change of a couple-fo-few hundred feet throughout the park. I used to tear up those roads in college, so I drew a lot of inspiration from that.
But I also tried to balance the inspiration of real roads with the kind of dramatic turns that make for a legendary racetrack. I think I've done that, along with providing some a couple of opportunities for technical driving and pass-inducing setups.
I think you may be right on picking the winner as one with loops and shit. I knew I'd never be able to compete on that front, so my mission was to create something fantastic but well-grounded in reality and doable. I think the fantastical stuff is great, but I think something realistically awesome is even better.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:28 |
That's something I've been having a tough time balancing. On one hand I want these beautiful, flowing corners where a high speed left hander basically fades straight into a slow speed right hander, but I do have to wonder if that wouldn't impede overtaking some. On the other hand, I tried to create some funky transitions that would upset the balance of the cars going into some of the slower corners. I'll be taking one more shot at finalizing the design before tomorrow's deadline, so I think I may go with your advice on the braking zone for #3.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:30 |
I click a star on yours if you click a star on mine :P
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:31 |
You're the second one to mention something about turn 3, and now that I look at it, I agree: it's a little clumsy and would make for a slow, anti-climactic corner.
The elevation change is something I showed on my first draft, but I deemed it to be a bit busy looking. May go back in now and add it using a text tool to make it clean.
Thanks for the feedback and kind words!
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:32 |
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:35 |
I've done more sim racing than I care to think about. The track reminds me of Maple Valley which is a nice flowing track. However, there's no real overtaking zone on that track because the slow corners are led into by some gentle curves. I think making a straight line in to turn 3 would make a very good overtaking zone. If you tighten up turn 1 it might help as well.
I'm assuming the exit to pit lane is in to turn 1. Your start finish seems to be after turn 1. I'd move it to the other straight where your pit lane is. I'd also put pit entry on the straight. There's nothing worse than making pit in so tricky and pit lane so long that people will save fuel and do everything they can to not pit due to the time penalty.
Trying to straighten out your entry to the tightest hairpin would pretty much have to eliminate a series of corners and as I look at that more I don't like what that would do to the track. Bend the right hander (turn 7 is what I'll call it) a bit tighter so the track comes back to the right more. Turn 8 would then be a bit sharper and then you can make a straightish sweeper all the way into the hairpin turn 9. That might add 2 medium quality overtaking zones.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 11:36 |
That's what this community is all about!
![]() 09/12/2013 at 12:18 |
While I haven't been able to put thoughts to paper etc. on my track that I would love to design, I had practically the EXACT same idea for this turn.
And note, this is the first time I've seen your track.
Well done. Well. Done.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 12:39 |
Thanks man, I'm a fan of that turn because I like the idea of unsettling the car with a slight right into a harder right, especially coming off a section of track right before that in which you're carrying some speed. My third version has edited this out, but I think I may put it back in for the 4th draft and then just have the straight between that turn and the next one providing for an overtaking opportunity.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 12:41 |
That was my exact same thought process for that turn as well. I wanted an ode to COTA and SPA (kind of Spa) where it was a big elevation change with a sharp corner.
I'm also thinking about making it a counter clockwise track like you've done.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 12:51 |
lol, me too, I cant help but have a ear to ear grin every time I look at those oddly shaped track-nimals.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 12:55 |
I really can't unsee the damned pelican! Guess the track has its name now: Pelican Point!